"Oshi no Ko" Volume 1 to Volume 12 (Japanese Edition) The story begins with the fateful encounter between a countryside OB-GYN doctor, Goro, and top idol Ai, leading to a series of dramatic events. Shipping:
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Dont miss this opportunity to enjoy the "Oshi no Ko" series in its original Japanese edition! 推しの子.漫画.manga
Product Details
"Oshi no Ko" Volume 1 to Volume 12 (Japanese Edition)
The story begins with the fateful encounter between a countryside OB-GYN doctor, Goro, and top idol Ai, leading to a series of dramatic events.
Ships within 24 hours
Read only once, in excellent condition
No returns or exchanges
For questions or inquiries, please feel free to contact us via message.
Dont miss this opportunity to enjoy the "Oshi no Ko" series in its original Japanese edition!