Written by Ryutei Tanehiko, Kunisada Emaki. Published in 1829-23. Printed by Tsuruya Kiemon. Medium size. Volumes 1 and 2 total 38 pages. Volume 10 is missing. This book is 150 years old. I am not an expert, so I cannot answer questions. I think people who are knowledgeable about history and interested in old books will enjoy it.
合巻 柳亭種彦 作 国貞 画 文政十二-天保十三年刊 鶴屋喜右衛門板 中本 初編上下-三十八編までありますが
歴史に知識のある方 古本に興味のある方には向いてるかと思います。
Written by Ryutei Tanehiko, Kunisada Emaki. Published in 1829-23. Printed by Tsuruya Kiemon. Medium size. Volumes 1 and 2 total 38 pages. Volume 10 is missing. This book is 150 years old. I am not an expert, so I cannot answer questions. I think people who are knowledgeable about history and interested in old books will enjoy it.
#アンティーク #骨董品